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Using data attributes with JQuery

Using data attributes with JQuery Data Attributes A data attribute is a custom attribute that stores information. Data attributes always start with “data-” then followed with a descriptive name of the data that is being stored. You can have multiple data attributes on an element and be used on any HTML element. In use Getting the

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BEMIT and WordPress

The Problem Maintaining order when making custom WordPress themes can be difficult. Balancing generic classes to be used across multiple pages with specific classes for singular page templates can be difficult. Knowing when to override what class, and how to best implement the css can also be a challenge. Luckily, we have BEMIT to handle

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Improving SEO With ASP.Net MVC – Part 3 – Google Search Features

 Improving SEO With ASP.Net MVC – Part 1 – Creating Better SEO URLs  Improving SEO With ASP.Net MVC – Part 2 – SEO Tags The Problem Google has been making a big push to add new search features, rich results and rich cards. In order to do this, developers need to use either JSON-LD markup

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Displaying All Tags For A WordPress Site

When working on a WordPress site you might come across a request to build a tag list/cloud/directory for all the tags that are setup in the site that are associated with at least one or more posts. We looked everywhere for code that would do this and we kept running across the same examples that

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Our Top 3 Favorite WordPress Plugins – 2016 Edition

We use WordPress on a lot of websites so naturally we come across a lot of different client requests and scenarios. Instead of reinventing the wheel every time, why not use a preexisting plugin to accomplish what you need? Here are some of our favorite plugins that we’ve used in 2016. 1. Advanced Custom Fields

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Improving SEO With ASP.Net MVC – Part 2 – SEO Tags

 Improving SEO With ASP.Net MVC – Part 1 – Creating Better SEO URLs  Improving SEO With ASP.Net MVC – Part 3 – Google Search Features The Problem Having correct SEO tags for meta description, meta keywords, meta title and canonical are very important when it comes to the overall SEO health of your website. Without

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.NET Core And ASP.NET Launches A Beta Bug Bounty Program.

Today, with great excitement, we announce an introductory 3 month bug bounty program for .NET Core and ASP.NET, our new open source, cross platform runtime and web stack. The program encompasses the latest beta version, beta 8 and any subsequent beta or release candidates released during the program period. We recognize that you, our customers, rely on our

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Creating An ASP.Net MVC Dynamic Sitemap

What Is A Sitemap? A site map (or sitemap) is a list of pages of a web site accessible to crawlers or users. It can be either a document in any form used as a planning tool for Web design, or a Web page that lists the pages on a Web site, typically organized in

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Materialize Framework

Materialize is a modern responsive front-end framework based on Material Design. For use in your web projects, it provides an option of both CSS as well as source SCSS files, along with JavaScript, material design icons and Roboto font. Included components are basic ones such as grids, forms, buttons, navbar and cards. Materialize is available

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Web Designer Vs Web Developer

When people ask us what we do we tell them we do “custom web development” and of course the first thing that they respond with is, “oh, so you design websites”. Well yes and no. Web developers can be involved in the design process but we usually leave that up to the designers. We tend