Category: WordPress

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The Top 5 WordPress Plugins for Small Businesses

Running a small business comes with its own set of challenges, and having a robust online presence is crucial. WordPress, being one of the most popular content management systems, offers a plethora of plugins that can help small businesses streamline their operations, enhance their website functionality, and boost their online visibility. Here are the top

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Why WordPress Maintenance is So Important to Extend the Life of Your Website

In today’s digital landscape, having a website is crucial for businesses, bloggers, and anyone looking to establish an online presence. Among the many content management systems available, WordPress stands out as one of the most popular due to its flexibility, user-friendliness, and vast ecosystem of plugins and themes. However, simply setting up a WordPress site

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Creating a template part in WordPress

Part of the process of developing a website is recognizing when certain design patterns appear in multiple places and pages. The header and footer are examples of code that is written once and then called through a function to appear on multiple pages. WordPress has these functions available for us to place on the page.

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WordPress vs HTML5

So many times when building a website you are bombarded with hundreds of options. Do I use WordPress? What even is PHP? Do I really need WordPress, or is HTML good enough for my site? Well, luckily for you we have some of the answers you’ve been looking for. What’s your use case? When trying

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WordPress Spam Prevention

When it comes to running a WordPress site, there is nothing worse than getting hit by spambots or fake users posting comments on blog posts or sending you a fraudulent contact request. We take a very proactive approach with all our WordPress sites by installing two primary countermeasures to spam. Google reCAPTCHA Google’s reCAPTCHA comes

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Our Top 3 Favorite WordPress Plugins – 2019 Edition

Reinventing the wheel isn’t just unnecessary, it’s a waste of precious development time and resources. That is why when we run into a good WordPress plugin, we utilize it as much as we can. Here are a few of the best plugins we used for WordPress in 2019: 1. UpdraftPlus Backups If there is one

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BEMIT and WordPress

The Problem Maintaining order when making custom WordPress themes can be difficult. Balancing generic classes to be used across multiple pages with specific classes for singular page templates can be difficult. Knowing when to override what class, and how to best implement the css can also be a challenge. Luckily, we have BEMIT to handle

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Displaying All Tags For A WordPress Site

When working on a WordPress site you might come across a request to build a tag list/cloud/directory for all the tags that are setup in the site that are associated with at least one or more posts. We looked everywhere for code that would do this and we kept running across the same examples that

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Our Top 3 Favorite WordPress Plugins – 2016 Edition

We use WordPress on a lot of websites so naturally we come across a lot of different client requests and scenarios. Instead of reinventing the wheel every time, why not use a preexisting plugin to accomplish what you need? Here are some of our favorite plugins that we’ve used in 2016. 1. Advanced Custom Fields

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10 Fresh Tools For Web Designers And Developers

A plethora of amazing tools and resources are available out there for web designers and developers, and they find these nothing less than a blessing. They are always eager to take advantage of them, as these tools and resources make their work quite easy and quick. Web designing and developing is by no means an