Category: SEO

Search Engine Optimization

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Getting Started with Digital Marketing and Websites for Small Businesses

Having an online presence is crucial for the success of any business, especially small businesses looking to grow their reach and customer base. Digital marketing and a well-designed website can significantly boost your visibility and credibility. Here’s a step-by-step guide on where to start. 1. Define Your Goals Before diving into digital marketing, it’s important

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The Top 5 WordPress Plugins for Small Businesses

Running a small business comes with its own set of challenges, and having a robust online presence is crucial. WordPress, being one of the most popular content management systems, offers a plethora of plugins that can help small businesses streamline their operations, enhance their website functionality, and boost their online visibility. Here are the top

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Top 5 Reasons Why SEO and SEM Are Crucial for New Businesses

Top 5 Reasons Why SEO and SEM Are Crucial for New Businesses In today’s digital age, having a strong online presence is vital for any business, especially for new ones trying to make their mark. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Search Engine Marketing (SEM) are two powerful strategies that can significantly boost your online visibility,

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Google’s Latest SEO Change – Featured Snippet Rankings

Danny Sullivan, Google’s public search liaison, announced on January 22, 2020 that if your website is listed in the featured snippets that your website will also not be listed on page 1. This is a huge change from the way search has been handled in the past. Prior to this search change, a website could

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How Ron Swanson’s Pyramid of Greatness Applies to Website Building

We’d like to thank the Ron Swanson’s Pyramid of Greatness for the inspiration behind this amazing blog post: 1. Teamwork (Client, Designer, & Developer) It takes a team to build a website and it doesn’t happen overnight. Designers rely on feedback from both the client and the developers. Without client feedback, the designers won’t

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Using URL Canonicalization to Fix Duplicate Content

URL canonicalization is an SEO practice that is effective for website optimization. Not only does optimizing your website tell search engines how to index and rank your pages, but it also helps your site rank higher on sites like Google. A poorly optimized website can negatively impact its ranking with search engines. One of the

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Improving SEO With ASP.Net MVC – Part 3 – Google Search Features

 Improving SEO With ASP.Net MVC – Part 1 – Creating Better SEO URLs  Improving SEO With ASP.Net MVC – Part 2 – SEO Tags The Problem Google has been making a big push to add new search features, rich results and rich cards. In order to do this, developers need to use either JSON-LD markup

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Improving SEO With ASP.Net MVC – Part 2 – SEO Tags

 Improving SEO With ASP.Net MVC – Part 1 – Creating Better SEO URLs  Improving SEO With ASP.Net MVC – Part 3 – Google Search Features The Problem Having correct SEO tags for meta description, meta keywords, meta title and canonical are very important when it comes to the overall SEO health of your website. Without

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Improving SEO With ASP.Net MVC – Part 1 – Creating Better SEO URLs

 Improving SEO With ASP.Net MVC – Part 2 – SEO Tags Improving SEO With ASP.Net MVC – Part 3 – Google Search Features The Problem When Google crawls your website looking for links to index, it sees each variation of a link as a unique link. A link that includes www. is not the same as