People always ask me, where did you come up with the idea for a Continuing Medical Education website, you’re a web developer? That’s an easy one. I’ve been working with The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center, Center for Continuing Medical Education for more than 4 years, even though I’m not in a medical field and simply doing the development work for their website, I can still see patterns, data, tendencies and analytics.

Developers don’t need to understand the industry, they just need to understand the data and what users are looking for. A good site is not always built by those in a specific field or industry. It is instead built by those who understand what users will be searching for and helping them access and understand the information as quickly as possible.
“If You Build It They Will Come”
Even though I’m not in the medical industry, I knew that if I could aggregate events from continuing medical education centers across the country that not only would the search engines pick up the data, but that users would take advantage of it. It’s a one stop shop for everything CME related. Conferences, Online Education, CME information, it’s all in one site. Physicians no longer need to jump from site to site to find everything. Top CME has only been live for a few weeks but it is already gaining significant traction.
Tagging is key, the more data you can precisely tag for the major search engines the better off you’ll be. Most sites simply put a whole bunch of content online in a long running page, the content will get crawled, but you’re relying on the search engine to pull out key pieces of information like event dates, product pricing, etc. Instead if you take the time to carefully tag everything for structured data you can tell the search engine exactly what you want them index and serve in the search results. Your site will be 10x more effective and more accessible.
If you have an idea, the more niche the better, lets build it together. We are Mobilize Cloud and we build custom websites and applications.